

Infrastructure Bill

There is now going to be a large amount of money for what we do.   Now that Congress has passed, and the President has signed, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act there will be made available a significant amount of money for what we do as Right of Way Professionals.   The total amount of the Bill is $1.2 trillion, of which Florida is scheduled to receive approximately $1.6 billion.  

That is $1.6 billion with a B for a wide range of projects, including ports and airports.  This is an amazing opportunity for all of us who call ourselves Right of Way Professionals.  This large infusion of money means that various types of right of way projects will be able to move forward.  Additionally, it is an opportunity for projects that have only been aspirational in the past to become reality moving forward.

Whether you are a Planner, Appraiser, Acquisition Agent, Surveyor, or Eminent Domain attorney now is the time to go back and review Transportation Improvement Programs for FDOT, Counties, and Municipalities and research projects that can now be advanced.  That research will help all of us to identify projects that we can generate work from over the next several years.  Roads and Bridges can now be built and fixed, and we should be a big part of making that happen.